Vurjeevandas Vyshniy-Volochok
VURJEEVANDAS VYSHNIY-VOLOCHOK it has an extensive range. It also occurs on the northern shores of the Mediterranean, and has strayed to such a distance as to have suffered capture in England and even in Norway. Of the genera composing the other subfamily, Vulturinae, Gyps numbers seven or eight local species and races, on more than one of which the English name griffon has been fastened. The best known is G. fulvus, which by some authors is accounted " British " from an example having been taken in Ireland, though under circumstances which suggest its appearance so far from its nearest home in Spain to be due to man's intervention. The species, however, has a wider distribution on the European continent (especially towards the north-east) than the Egyptian vulture, and in Africa nearly reaches the Equator, extending also in Asia to the Himalaya; but both in the Ethiopian and Indian regions its range inosculates with that of several allied forms or species. Pseudo%yps with two forms one Indian, the other African differs from Gyps by having 12 instead of 14 rectrices. Of the genera Otogyps and Lophogyps nothing here need be said; and then we have Vidtur, with, as mentioned before, its sole representative, V. monachus, commonly known as the cinereous vulture, a bird which is found from the Straits of Gibraltar to the seacoast of China. Almost all these birds inhabit rocky cliffs, on the ledges of which they build their nests.
The question whether vultures in their search for food are guided by sight of the object or by'its scent has excited much interest. It seems to be now generally admitted that the sense of sight is in almost every case sufficient to account for the observed facts. (A. N.)
Note - this article incorporates content from Encyclopaedia Britannica, Eleventh Edition, (1910-1911)