

MACAIRE, a French chanson de geste. Macaire (i 2th century) and La reine Sibille (uth century) are two versions of the story of the false accusation brought against the queen of Charlemagne , called Blanchefleur in Macaire and Sibille in the later poem. Macaire is only preserved in the Franco- Venetian geste of Charlemagne (Bibl. St Mark MS. fr. xiii.). La Reine Sibille only exists in fragments, but the tale is given in the chronicle of Alberic Trium Fontium and in a prose version. Macaire is the product of the fusion of two legends: that of the unjustly repudiated wife and that of the dog who detects the murderer of his master. For the former motive see GENEVIEVE OF BRABANT. The second is found in Plutarch, Script, moral., ed. Didot ii. (1186), where a dog, like Aubri's hound, stayed three days without food by the body of its master, and subsequently attacked the murderers, thus leading to their discovery. The duel between Macaire and the dog is paralleled by an interpolation by Giraldus CambrensisinaMS.oftheflezammwof Saint Ambrose. Aubri's hound received the name of the " dog of Montargis," because a representation of the story was painted on a chimney-piece in the chateau of Montargis in the 15th century. The tale was early divorced from Carolingian tradition, and Jean de la Taille, in his Discours notable des duels (Paris, 1607), places the incident under Charles V.

See Macaire (Paris, 1866), ed. Guessard in the series of Anc. poetesdelaFrance;P. Paris in Hist. lilt, de la France, vol. xxm. (1873); L Gautier, Epopees franc.aises, vol. iii. (2nd ed., 1880) ; G. Pans, Hist, poet, de Charlemagne (1865): M. J. G. Isola, Storie nerbonest, vol. i. (Bologna, 1877); F. Wolf, Uber die beiden . . . Volksbucher von der K. Sibille u. Huon de Bordeaux (Vienna, 1857) and Uber dieneueslen Leistungen der Franzosen (Vienna, 1833). The Dog of Montargis: or, The Forest of Bondy, imitated from the play of G. de Pixerecourt, was played at Covent Garden (Sept. 30, 1814). .

" Robert Macaire " was the name given to the modern villain in the Auberge des Adrets (1823), a melodrama in which Fr&ienck McALESTER MACAO Lemaitre made his reputation. The type was sensibly modified in Robert Macaire (1834), a sequel written by Lemaitre in collaboration with Benjamin Antier, and well-known on the English stage as Macaire. R. L. Stevenson and W. E. Henley used the same type in their play Macaire.

McALESTER, a city and the county-seat of Pittsburg county, Oklahoma, about no m. E.S.E. of Guthrie. Pop. (1900), 3479; (1907) 8144 (1681 negroes and 105 Indians); (1910) 12,954. McAlester is served by the Chicago, Rock Island & Pacific and the Missouri, Kansas & Texas railways and is an important railway junction; it is connected with theneighbouring mining district by an electric line. There are undeveloped iron deposits and rich coal-mines in the surrounding country, and coke-making is the principal manufacturing industry of the city. There is a fine Scottish Rite Masons' consistory and temple in McAlester. The city owns its waterworks. The vicinity was first settled in 1885. The city of South McAlester was incorporated in 1899, and in 1906 it annexed the town of McAlester and adopted its name.

Note - this article incorporates content from Encyclopaedia Britannica, Eleventh Edition, (1910-1911)

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